Laura Dumbleton

Laura Dumbleton

United Kingdom
Singing teacher, confidence coach, breathwork facilitator in training. Fantasy fiction reader, tea addict. Will break out into song. Fae magician in disguise.

Celebrate Your Authenticity and Uniqueness!

We’re all guilty of hiding something about ourselves that we don’t like, but when we want to celebrate our uniqueness and authenticity we need to show it all to the light. What unique and authentic thing/s are you hiding? Why are you hiding it/them? Actually take the action you need to take!

It all starts with a kettle

Have you noticed that when you put the kettle on you are thinking about other things? It's such an automatic activity that you do it without thinking, leaving your mind free to wander as it will. But what if you took those literal 3 minutes to breathe and check in with yourself?

Is this where it all begins...

The first thing we do when we are born is to take a breath. Within ten seconds of being born, we've tapped into the very thing that gives us life. And from then on, we unconsciously breathe for the rest of our lives, it's just a thing our body does to keep us alive.

Trust The Process!

A lot of us struggle to trust the process of change, and instead prefer to stick to old patterns. But, in learning to deal with my own stage fright, I have learned that change is necessary to move forward. It may not be pretty or easy, but achieving the end result is definitely worth it.


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