Your Stage Fright Coach

Musings on stage fright coaching, tips on how to overcome stage fright, performance coaching for singers.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

One of the most important tools we need to have in our tool boxes is the ability to check in with ourselves and adapt to our surroundings. As singers we have to adapt to our environments, not just for performances but for general talking and singing, too.

How a game changed my life…

I am just as messily human as you are, and I won’t pretend I’m not. I tried to be ‘normal’, to be what I thought I should be in this space; the perfect human who has no problems of her own. And guess what? It wasn’t fun, my creativity was stifled and I felt like I was wearing a mask all the time.

Let’s Talk Confidence!

Confidence is not something that is “lost”, nor something that is “found”. It is something you have inside you, something that is built from layers of a lifetime of achievements and self-belief. Something that exists even when you don’t think it does.

Celebrate Your Authenticity and Uniqueness!

We’re all guilty of hiding something about ourselves that we don’t like, but when we want to celebrate our uniqueness and authenticity we need to show it all to the light. What unique and authentic thing/s are you hiding? Why are you hiding it/them? Actually take the action you need to take!


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